function get-sitelogin(){ $username = read-host "Teedy Username" $password = read-host "Teedy Password" $tologin=@{username="$username";password="$password";} try{ $loginresponse = Invoke-webrequest -Uri "$siteurl/api/user/login" -Method POST -Body $tologin -SessionVariable Session } catch { if(($error[0].ErrorDetails.Message|convertfrom-json|select-object -ExpandProperty Type) -eq 'ValidationCodeRequired'){ $mfacode = read-host "MFA Code Required for user. Please enter MFA Code:" if($mfacode -match '\d{6}'){ $tologin.add('code',$mfacode) $loginresponse = Invoke-webrequest -Uri "$siteurl/api/user/login" -Method POST -Body $tologin -SessionVariable Session } } } $global:session=$session if($loginresponse.baseresponse.StatusCode -eq 200){ write-host "Logged in successfully" } $headercookie = $loginresponse.baseresponse.headers.getvalues('Set-Cookie') $token,$null = $headercookie -split ";" $global:headers=@{ Cookie = "$token" } return $global:headers } $siteurl = read-host "Teedy URL (i.e." $global:headers = get-sitelogin $global:taghash=@{} function New-Tag(){ param( $TagName, $ParentTagName="", $color="3a87ad" ) if($tagname.length -gt 36){ $tagname = $tagname.substring(0,36) } try{ if($color -eq "3a87ad"){ $colorcode="$color" } else { $colorcode = ("{0:X}" -f [drawing.Color]::FromName($color).toargb()).Substring(2) } }catch{ $error[0] write-host "Unable to determine color code. Using default blue." $colorcode = '3a87ad' } Update-TagHash try{ if($global:taghash[$TagName]){ return "TAG $tagname already exists." } if((-not($global:taghash[$ParentTagName])) -and ($ParentTagName -ne '') ){ $parentTagID = (New-Tag -TagName $ParentTagName -ParentTagName '').id } else{ if($ParentTagName -eq ''){ $parentTagID='' } else { $parentTagID=$global:taghash[$ParentTagName].id } } $mytagtocreate = @{ name=$TagName -replace ' ','_' -replace ':','_'; parent=$parentTagID; color="#$colorcode"; } #$mytagtocreate $newtagid = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/tag" -Headers $global:headers -Method PUT -body $mytagtocreate -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -WebSession $Session Update-TagHash } catch { $error[0] } $ } function Remove-Tag(){ param( [parameter(mandatory)][string]$TagName ) $tagid = $taghash[$tagname].id if($tagid){ $result = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/tag/$tagid" -Headers $global:headers -Method DELETE -WebSession $Session Update-TagHash } else { $result = "$tagname not found" #continue } $result } function update-tag(){ param( [parameter(Mandatory)][string]$TagName, [parameter()][string]$ParentTagName, [parameter()][string]$Color ) update-taghash if($taghash[$TagName]){ $mytag = $taghash[$tagname] if($color){ try{ $colorcode = ("{0:X}" -f [drawing.Color]::FromName($color).toargb() ).Substring(2) $mytag.color = "#$colorcode" } catch{ $error[0] write-host "Color $color not found, not changing" } } if($taghash[$ParentTagName]){ $mytag.parent = $taghash[$ParentTagName].id } $tagid=$ $mytag $topost=@{ name=$; id=$; parent=$mytag.parent; color=$mytag.Color } Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/tag/$tagid" -Headers $global:headers -Method POST -Body $topost -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -WebSession $Session } else { write-host "$tagname not found" } } function Update-TagHash(){ $uri = [System.UriBuilder]"$siteurl/api/tag/list" $taglist = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri.uri -Headers $global:headers -Method GET -WebSession $global:session | select-object -ExpandProperty tags #if($taglist){write-host "Got tags"} $global:taghash=@{} foreach($tag in $taglist){ $global:taghash.add($, @{ID=$;Name=$;Parent=$tag.parent;Color=$tag.color}) $global:taghash.add($, @{ID=$;Name=$;Parent=$tag.parent;Color=$tag.color}) } } function Attach-File(){ param( $documentID, $fileID ) foreach($file in @($fileID)){ foreach($document in @($documentID)){ $toattach=@{ fileID=$file; id=$document } Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/file/$file/attach" -Headers $global:headers -Method POST -Body $toattach -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -WebSession $Session } } } function New-Document(){ param( $title, $language='eng', $tags, $file ) if($file){ $fileids= Add-File -Files $file } update-taghash $mytags=@() foreach($mytag in $tags){ $mytags += $taghash[$mytag].id } $title=[System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($title) $basequery = "title=$title&language=$language" if ($tags) { $tagsquery = '&tags={0}' -f ($mytags -join '&tags=') } $newdocid = (Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/document" -Headers $global:headers -Method PUT -body "$($basequery)$($tagsquery)" -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -WebSession $Session).id if($file){ attach-file -documentid $newdocid -fileid $fileids } $newdocid } Function Add-File(){ param( $Files ) $fileids = @() foreach($file in $files){ if(test-path $file){ $toupload = get-item $file c:\windows\system32\curl.exe -H "Cookie: $($global:headers['Cookie'])" --url "$siteurl/api/file" --upload-file $toupload.FullName $response =curl.exe --location --request PUT '' --header "Cookie: $($global:headers['Cookie'])" --form "file=@`"$($toupload.fullname)`"" $fileid=($response|convertfrom-json).id $fileids += $fileid #$fileids += (Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/file" -Headers $global:headers -Method PUT -form @{$toupload} -ContentType "multipart/form-data").id } } $fileids } function Add-Directory(){ param( $AnchorTag='DirUploadTest', $Directory='C:\Users\dan\teedytest', [switch]$DontUseExistingTags, [switch]$OnlyCreateTags, $Tags ) Update-TagHash if(-not($taghash[$AnchorTag])){ new-tag -TagName $AnchorTag } $directories = get-childitem -Path $directory -Directory -Recurse $directories+= Get-item -path $directory foreach($mydirectory in $directories){ if($mydirectory.FullName -eq $directory){ $newtagname=$AnchorTag }else{ $myparts = @(($mydirectory.fullname -replace [regex]::escape($directory),'').substring(1) -split '\\') #$mydirectory.FullName #$myparts.count for($i=0;$i -lt $myparts.count;$i++){ $myparts[$i]=$myparts[$i] -replace ' ','_' -replace ':','' if(-not($taghash[$myparts[$i]])){ if($i -eq 0){ write-host "Creating Tag $($myparts[$i])" new-tag -TagName $myparts[$i] -ParentTagName $AnchorTag } else{ write-host "Creating Tag $($myparts[$i])" new-tag -TagName $myparts[$i] -ParentTagName $myparts[$i-1] } } } $newtagname = $myparts[-1] } if(-not $OnlyCreateTags){ $files = get-childitem -Path $mydirectory.FullName -File | select-object -ExpandProperty FullName if($files.count -gt 0){ if((split-path $files[0] -parent) -eq $Directory){ New-Document -title $mydirectory.FullName -tags @($AnchorTag,$tags) -file $files } else { New-Document -title $mydirectory.FullName -tags @($newtagname,$tags) -file $files } } } } } $importdir = read-host "Please specify the path to import into Teedy" $anchortag = read-host "What is the anchor tag to import items under?" $additionalTags = read-host "Any additional tags (comma separated)?" $tagstoadd = $additionalTags -split "," Add-Directory -AnchorTag $anchortag -Directory $importdir -tags $tagstoadd <# $documentlist = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/document/list" -Headers $global:headers -Method GET | select-object -ExpandProperty documents if($documentlist){write-host "Got docs"} $filelist = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$siteurl/api/file/list" -Headers $global:headers -Method GET |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Files if($filelist){write-host "Got files"} #> $logoutresponse = Invoke-webrequest -Uri "$siteurl/api/user/logout" -Headers $global:headers -Method POST -WebSession $global:session if($logoutresponse.BaseResponse.StatusCode -eq 200){ write-host "logged out successfully" }