fixing tables #24

paradizelost merged 1 commits from work into main 2024-11-25 23:46:12 -06:00
Showing only changes of commit 320cfdf266 - Show all commits

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@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ else:
returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>"
for item in returnlist:
returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n"
returntable += tableend
returnlist = [d for d in allbooks if (d.renewalcount == 2)]
if len(returnlist) == 0:
@ -243,6 +244,7 @@ else:
returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>"
for item in returnlist:
returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n"
returntable += tableend
returnlist = [d for d in allbooks if (d.renewalcount == 1)]
if len(returnlist) == 0:
@ -258,6 +260,7 @@ else:
returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>"
for item in returnlist:
returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n"
returntable += tableend
returnlist = [d for d in allbooks if (d.renewalcount == 0)]
if len(returnlist) == 0:
@ -273,6 +276,7 @@ else:
returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>"
for item in returnlist:
returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n"
returntable += tableend
with open("/var/www/html/returnlist.html","w",encoding='utf-8') as outhtml:
htmltable = returntable