#!/usr/bin/python3 import requests import datetime from tabulate import tabulate import boto3 import json from json import JSONEncoder import logging from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) class libaccount(dict): def __init__(self,name,barcode,pin): dict.__init__(self,name=name, barcode=barcode, pin=pin) self.name=name self.barcode=barcode self.pin=pin def toJson(self): return json.dumps(self,default=lambda o: o.__dict__) class book(): def __init__(self,itemid,renewalcount,checkoutdate,duedate,vendor,resourceid,title,materialtype,coverurl,person,authsession,renewresult,overdue,isbn): self.id=itemid self.renewalcount=renewalcount self.checkoutdate=checkoutdate self.duedate=duedate self.vendor=vendor self.resourceid=resourceid self.title=title self.materialtype=materialtype self.coverurl=coverurl self.person=person self.authsession=authsession self.renewresult=renewresult self.overdue=overdue self.isbn=isbn #self.ill=ill def print(self): print(self.person, self.id, self.title, self.checkoutdate, self.renewalcount, self.duedate, self.materialtype,self.renewresult, self.isbn) def renew(self): try: logging.info("Renewing Book",self.title) renewuri='https://na2.iiivega.com/api/search-result/patrons/me/checkouts/' + self.id + '/renew' try: renewresult = self.authsession.post(renewuri).json() if renewresult.get('message'): self.renewresult=renewresult['message'] else: self.renewalcount=renewresult['renewalCount'] self.duedate=renewresult['dueDate'] self.renewresult="Successfully Renewed" except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # This is the correct syntax logging.error(e.json()) finally: pass #print(renewresult.json()) except Exception as ex: logging.error(ex) def sendemail(body,subject): logging.info("Sending Email") boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='default') sesclient=boto3.client('ses',region_name="us-east-2") CHARSET="UTF-8" response = sesclient.send_email( Destination={ "ToAddresses":recipients }, Message= { "Body": { "Html": { "Charset": CHARSET, "Data": body } }, "Subject": { "Charset": CHARSET, "Data": subject }, }, Source='librarynotices@hamik.net' ) upcomingdays=5 autorenewaldays=3 alwayssendemail=False returndata=False recipients=['dan@hamik.net','allisonmhamik@gmail.com','danalli@hamik.net','henryhamik@gmail.com','charleyhamik@gmail.com'] uri = "https://auth.na2.iiivega.com/auth/realms/sioux/protocol/openid-connect/token" checkoutsuri='https://sioux.na2.iiivega.com/api/search-result/patrons/me/checkouts' with open('/var/www/data/libaccounts.json') as accountfile: accountsjson= json.load(accountfile) accounts=[] for account in accountsjson: accounts.append( libaccount( accountsjson[account]['name'], str(accountsjson[account]['barcode']), str(accountsjson[account]['pin'])) ) allbooks=[] mediatypes=[] for myaccount in accounts: account=myaccount logging.info(account['name']) # Create a session session = requests.Session() authbody = { 'username':account.barcode, 'password':account.pin, 'client_id':'convergence', 'grant_type':'password', } resp=session.post(uri,authbody).json() authtoken=resp['access_token'] tokentype=resp['token_type'] sessionstate=resp['session_state'] session.headers.update({ 'iii-customer-domain':'sioux.na2.iiivega.com', 'Origin':'https://sioux.na2.iiivega.com/', 'Referrer':'https://sioux.na2.iiivega.com/', 'access_token':authtoken, 'Authorization':'Bearer ' + authtoken, 'token_type': tokentype, 'session_state': sessionstate, 'api-version':'1', 'DNT':'1', 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } ) outs = session.get(checkoutsuri) if len(outs.json()) >=1: for mybook in outs.json(): if mybook['vendor']=='overdrive': continue if mybook['vendor']=='hoopla': continue try: myisbn = mybook['resource']['coverUrl']['small'].split('=')[1].split("/")[0] except: myisbn='' try: mycoverurl = mybook['resource']['coverUrl']['small'] except: mycoverurl = '' duedate = datetime.datetime.strptime(mybook['dueDate'].split('T')[0],'%Y-%m-%d').date() if datetime.date.today() > duedate: overdue=True else: overdue = False try: thisbook = book( mybook['id'], mybook['renewalCount'], datetime.datetime.strptime(mybook['checkOutDate'].split('T')[0],'%Y-%m-%d').date(), duedate, mybook['vendor'], mybook['resource']['id'], mybook['resource']['title'], mybook['resource']['materialType'], mycoverurl, account.name, session, 'None', overdue, myisbn ) if thisbook.materialtype in mediatypes: pass else: mediatypes.append(thisbook.materialtype) except Exception as e: print(e,mybook) allbooks.append(thisbook) for book in allbooks: #print(datetime.date.today(),book.duedate) if datetime.date.today() > book.duedate: book.renew() #sendemail() tablestart=""" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-=//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns=3D"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> </head> <body> <style> TABLE {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse;} TH {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; background-color: #6495ED;} TD {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black;} </style><table>""" tableend="</table> </body></html>" timezone = ZoneInfo("America/Chicago") returntable="Last Updated" + str(datetime.datetime.now(timezone)) returntable+='<br>Click <a href="https://librarynotice.hamik.net">Here</a> to visit the site.' returntable += """<form action="https://librarynotice.hamik.net/refresh.php"> <input type="submit" value="Refresh Items"> </form> """ #print(htmltable) td="</td><td>" th="</th><th>" #returntable = '<a href="https://librarynotice.hamik.net">Click to return to main list</a>' duesoon = [d for d in allbooks if (d.duedate < datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=10)) and not (str(d.renewresult).lower() == 'None'.lower())] if len(duesoon) >=1: returntable += tablestart + '<colgroup><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name'+ th +'Count</th></tr>' for type in mediatypes: typecount = sum(b.materialtype == type for b in duesoon) if typecount>0: returntable += "<tr><td>" + type + td + str(typecount) + "</td></tr>" totalreturnbooks = len(duesoon) returntable += "<tr><td><b>" + "Total" + td + str(totalreturnbooks) + "</b></td></tr>" returntable += tableend + "<br>" returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+ th + "Renewal Status" + th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>" for item in duesoon: returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.renewresult)+ td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n" returntable += tableend + "<BR>" returnlist = [d for d in allbooks if (d.renewalcount == 3)] if len(returnlist) == 0: pass else: returntable += tablestart + '<colgroup><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name'+ th +'Count</th></tr>' for type in mediatypes: typecount = sum(b.materialtype == type for b in returnlist) if typecount>0: returntable += "<tr><td>" + type + td + str(typecount) + "</td></tr>" totalreturnbooks = len(returnlist) returntable += "<tr><td><b>" + "Total" + td + str(totalreturnbooks) + "</b></td></tr>" returntable += tableend + "<br>" returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>" for item in returnlist: returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n" returntable += tableend returnlist = [d for d in allbooks if (d.renewalcount == 2)] if len(returnlist) == 0: pass else: returntable += tablestart + '<colgroup><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name'+ th +'Count</th></tr>' for type in mediatypes: typecount = sum(b.materialtype == type for b in returnlist) if typecount>0: returntable += "<tr><td>" + type + td + str(typecount) + "</td></tr>" totalreturnbooks = len(returnlist) returntable += "<tr><td><b>" + "Total" + td + str(totalreturnbooks) + "</b></td></tr>" returntable += tableend + "<br>" returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>" for item in returnlist: returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n" returntable += tableend returnlist = [d for d in allbooks if (d.renewalcount == 1)] if len(returnlist) == 0: pass else: returntable += tablestart + '<colgroup><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name'+ th +'Count</th></tr>' for type in mediatypes: typecount = sum(b.materialtype == type for b in returnlist) if typecount>0: returntable += "<tr><td>" + type + td + str(typecount) + "</td></tr>" totalreturnbooks = len(returnlist) returntable += "<tr><td><b>" + "Total" + td + str(totalreturnbooks) + "</b></td></tr>" returntable += tableend + "<br>" returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>" for item in returnlist: returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n" returntable += tableend returnlist = [d for d in allbooks if (d.renewalcount == 0)] if len(returnlist) == 0: pass else: returntable += tablestart + '<colgroup><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name'+ th +'Count</th></tr>' for type in mediatypes: typecount = sum(b.materialtype == type for b in returnlist) if typecount>0: returntable += "<tr><td>" + type + td + str(typecount) + "</td></tr>" totalreturnbooks = len(returnlist) returntable += "<tr><td><b>" + "Total" + td + str(totalreturnbooks) + "</b></td></tr>" returntable += tableend + "<br>" returntable += tablestart + "<colgroup><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></colgroup><tr><th>Name"+th+"Type"+th+"Times Renewed"+th+"Checked Out"+th+"Due Date"+th+"Title" + th + "ISBN" + th + "Thumbnail</th></tr>" for item in returnlist: returntable += "<TR><TD>" + item.person + td + item.materialtype + td + str(item.renewalcount) + td + str(item.checkoutdate) + td + str(item.duedate) + td + item.title + td + item.isbn + td +'<img src="'+ item.coverurl+'">' +"</td></tr>\n" returntable += tableend htmltable = returntable with open("/var/www/html/index.html","w",encoding='utf-8') as outhtml: outhtml.write(htmltable) sendemail(htmltable,"Checked Out Library Books Report " + str(datetime.date.today())) #for item in duesoon: # item.print()