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synced 2025-03-19 10:02:27 -05:00

increase miner spawns to match this number, add Empire function to init all rooms with this data.
126 lines
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126 lines
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//let buildparts=require('bodypartbuilder')
module.exports = {
get getcounts(){
for(let room of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
roomcounts = _.countBy(room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS), c => c.memory.role)
decrease: function(role,roomname){
let rolename = 'max' + role + 's'
let currentmax = Game.rooms[roomname].memory[rolename]
let newmax = Game.rooms[roomname].memory[rolename]
return 'Old Max:'+currentmax+' New Max:'+newmax
setmax: function(role,roomname,count){
let rolename = 'max' + role + 's'
let currentmax = Game.rooms[roomname].memory[rolename]
Game.rooms[roomname].memory[rolename] = count
let newmax = Game.rooms[roomname].memory[rolename]
return 'Old Max:'+currentmax+' New Max:'+newmax
increase: function(role,roomname){
let rolename = 'max' + role + 's'
let currentmax = Game.rooms[roomname].memory[rolename]
let newmax = Game.rooms[roomname].memory[rolename]
return 'Old Max:'+currentmax+' New Max:'+newmax
kill: function(creepname){
let me= Game.creeps[creepname].suicide()
return me
spawnwarrior: function(){
for(let myroom of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
let name = myroom.name
return 'Spawning initiated'
spawnnrworker: function(){
for(let myroom of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
let name = myroom.name
return 'Spawning initiated'
spawnworker: function(){
for(let myroom of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
let name = myroom.name
return 'Spawning initiated'
spawnminer: function(){
for(let myroom of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
let name = myroom.name
return 'Spawning initiated'
spawnclaimer: function(){
for(let myroom of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
let name = myroom.name
return 'Spawning initiated'
removeConstruction: function(roomname){
_.invoke(Game.rooms[roomname].find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES), 'remove')
removeAllConstruction: function(){
_.invoke(_.map(Game.constructionSites, (x)=>x), 'remove')
removeWalls: function(roomname){
Game.rooms[roomname].find(FIND_STRUCTURES, {filter: s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL}).forEach(s => s.destroy())
removeRoads: function(roomname,hitsleft){
Game.rooms[roomname].find(FIND_STRUCTURES, {filter: s => (s.structureType === STRUCTURE_ROAD && s.hits < hitsleft)}).forEach(s => s.destroy())
return "done"
sellEnergy: function(roomname){
let myorders = Game.market.getAllOrders(order=>order.resourceType == RESOURCE_ENERGY && order.type == ORDER_SELL)
computeSourceAccess: function(){
for(let myroom of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
let name = myroom.name
let minablepositions = 0
let srcs = Game.rooms[name].find(FIND_SOURCES);
for(let i = 0;i<srcs.length;i++)
minablepositions = minablepositions + this.computeSourceAccessPoints(Game.rooms[name],srcs[i])
//minablepositions = minablepositions + this.checkminablepositions(srcs[i])
Game.rooms[name].memory.minablepositions = minablepositions
computeMineralAccess: function(){
for(let myroom of _.filter(Game.rooms, 'controller.my')) {
let name = myroom.name
let mineralminablepositions = 0
let minerals = Game.rooms[name].find(FIND_MINERALS);
for(let i = 0;i<minerals.length;i++)
mineralminablepositions = mineralminablepositions + this.computeSourceAccessPoints(Game.rooms[name],minerals[i])
//minablepositions = minablepositions + this.checkminablepositions(srcs[i])
//todo - create array of minable positions in the room and assign a screep to them, rather than having them constantly try to find the nearest one.
Game.rooms[name].memory.mineralminablepositions = mineralminablepositions
computeSourceAccessPoints: function(room, source){
const roomTerrain = room.getTerrain();
var accessPoints = 0;
for(var x = -1;x<=1;x++)
for(var y = -1;y<=1;y++)
if(x==0 && y==0){continue;}
return accessPoints;
}; |